Felt Carbon Technology

As experts in the business of cycling, we are critical about the products  we ride, service and provide for our clients. It just so happens that recently there has been a fair amount of press around these very products. From the IA4 (deemed the P5 Slayer) to Parlee and Alchemy there is no loss for details and exacting performance in our lineup.

                                                                Photo via VeloNews.com

                                                                Photo via VeloNews.com

The venerable Leonard Zinn – writing for Velo News – relays six reasons why Felt’s production & design produce a better bike. Their carbon layup will suprise you, and we can tell you, as a Felt dealer we build every one that comes into the studio and the details are what you want in a bike. Leonard states as much in his review:

“not a marketing-driven company. Rather, it is a product-driven company, and has been ever since Jim Felt started making custom aluminum bikes with his name on them decades ago. Felt employs a small team of talented engineers, and the company and its product line are too small for them to be dedicated to single categories. Instead, ideas that work on road bikes rapidly cross-pollinate to mountain, cyclocross, and track bikes, and vice versa.”

You can also learn the quick history of Felt Bicycles on their Wiki page where the have history for days. If you’re local to the Phoenix Valley, we’ve got a grip of Felt bikes at the studio including the IA4 below:



Thank you so much for yesterday! I had such a great time. It was so awesome to hear all that information. Thinking about it now I didn’t realize so much goes into a bike fit. I can’t believe the difference it made in the past 2 days. I feel so much more comfortable. You guys were awesome.

Thank you,



Dear Cyclologic team,

I just wanted to say “thanks again” for the great service you have provided me. In the three years I have been working with you, my cycling life has continued to get better. And consequently, the rest of my life has improved as well. Prior to my first fit, I was in constant pain. My lower back was so tight that it not only affected my time on the bike but affected every aspect of my life. Even with the pain, I had no intention of giving up cycling. I just accepted that as part of my life. Since you changed my position on the bike, my lower back pain is no longer an issue (the chiropractors I worked with are not happy with you though as I no longer see them). With that, my personal life has improved as well. You have gained a client forever. Regardless of where I am living in the world, I will seek you out every time I get a new bike.

Thanks again.

Regards, Andy

Kerry's Fit-First Testimonial

My bike has always been my partner in crime. I didn’t care that she was a little rough around the edges. I wore my saddle sores and numb toes like badges of honor. That is, until my mileage increased.

“Have you ever been properly fit on your bike?”

This innocuous question would lead me into the capable hands of the Cyclologic team. What I assumed would be a standard process was anything but, permanently changing my relationship to my bike and how I viewed my own physiology.

Whereas Cyclologic’s “Fit First” system would define me mathematically and analytically, it was Paraic and Steven’s ability to breathe life into my data that made my experience profound. Surrounded by digital displays and best of breed technology, I observed the dance between science and intuition as each minute adjustment brought me closer to the perfect fit.

4 months and 3,500 miles later, the obstacles that stood in the way of my optimal performance have been stripped away. I still have to train hard, but I no longer worry about the bike. It’s become an extension of me and my inner bad-ass.

Kerry Hebert
Lead UX Designer/Ardent Cyclist