Saturday Group Rides

Saturday morning- 6:30 am

The Cyclologic Saturday Morning Group Ride is known nation-wide as being an alternative to the normal pell-mell anarchy that most shop rides have become. Depending on the week, and how many people show up, we usually have three groups. A ride for people new to riding in groups ("C group"), a mid paced ride over rolling terrain ("B group"), and a faster, more challenging group ("A group"). Paces and distances are as follows:

C Group: A mid-paced ride over rolling terrain with

  • Duration: 35-50 miles; duration is weather/group ability dependent.

  • Pace: ~16-18mph

B Group: A slightly faster ride over rolling terrain (faster on hills)

  • Duration: 40-50 miles; duration is weather/group ability dependent.

  • Pace: ~17-19mph

A Group: Our fastest ride over rolling terrain.

  • Duration: 45-55 miles; duration is weather/group ability dependent.

  • Pace: ~19-21mph

A, B, and C groups ride in a double pace line that rotates away from traffic. Riders in the front of the group pull for up to two minutes before calmly pulling across. If you don't want to pull, no problem! We just ask that you stay to the back of the right hand line. There is no attacking and no half wheeling. We communicate information about road debris all the way back through the group, and obey all traffic laws. We talk, watch out for each other, and have fun! Oh... and let's not forget the coffee, bagels and laughs at the end!

We want to build a community of safe riding groups. Come ride with us! We try to start rolling at 6:30am sharp. Don't be late! Questions? Call the store (480-699-5358) for more details. We can't wait to ride with you!